Computer Agreement
I,____________________________________________________, understand that I will be using the computer as a learning tool in my classroom. I realize that using the computer at school is a privilege that can be denied if I do not follow acceptable classroom use of the equipment. This includes using the computer and the Internet for various tasks and projects. I agree to the following:
I will use the school computer for academic purposes only.
I will use appropriate language when sending messages.
I will obey copyright laws and cite sources when quoting another person or using a
portion of another person’s work.
I will not download or install anything without teacher permission.
I will not give personal information, including logins and passwords, to people other
than my parents or teacher.
I will not access another person’s files, e-mail, logins, passwords, or other personal
I will access materials appropriate for school use and if I accidentally access
inappropriate material I will notify my teacher immediately.
Student Signature:___________________________________________
Parent Signature:____________________________________________
Failure to follow the rules will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Except for extreme cases the following will be implemented:
1st offense warning
2nd offense lunch detention for one day
3rd offense lunch detention for one week
4th ISS
I will use the school computer for academic purposes only.
I will use appropriate language when sending messages.
I will obey copyright laws and cite sources when quoting another person or using a
portion of another person’s work.
I will not download or install anything without teacher permission.
I will not give personal information, including logins and passwords, to people other
than my parents or teacher.
I will not access another person’s files, e-mail, logins, passwords, or other personal
I will access materials appropriate for school use and if I accidentally access
inappropriate material I will notify my teacher immediately.
Student Signature:___________________________________________
Parent Signature:____________________________________________
Failure to follow the rules will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Except for extreme cases the following will be implemented:
1st offense warning
2nd offense lunch detention for one day
3rd offense lunch detention for one week
4th ISS